"We measure the present to plan for the future"
EGERIA: the power of numbers!
Turn your data into a great opportunity for growth!
Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.” - G. W. Friedrich Hegel
The experience of our team and our culture of numbers allow us to offer our customers in the Fitness & Wellness sector, the highest level of professional support to identify the path to achieve their goals and their objectives.
Surveys & Market Analysis
Fitness Numbers Power
“The mind is like a parachute,
It only works when it’s open” – Albert Einstein
Survey & Market Analysis
As an innovative company, working with University Institutes and through international surveys, Egeria offers an important support and contribution to Professionals, Investors and Companies through the collection, analysis of numbers and data based on performance indicators and on the use of specific statistical algorithms.
In Fitness & Wellness we have developed high-tech analysis tools and software, built ad hoc, with the support and collaboration of marketing specialists, sports, commercial and business management, to support Club owners and managers and Sports Centers around the world, to make the best decisions with advanced and automated systems for measuring and analyzing customer flows.
Fitness & Wellness - Business Intelligence & Analytics
“Torture numbers, and they'll confess to anything.” – Gregg Eaesterbrook
To improve it is essential to measure!
To "measure" two fundamental elements are necessary: a "culture of numbers" and effective measurement tools, built on indicators and drivers of the specific market.
Corporate Performance Management
Egeria is a company specializing in the Fitness & Wellness sector in the analysis, design and development of Business Intelligence and Business Analytics solutions. These solutions allow the Management to constantly monitor their activities within their Clubs and Sport Centers throughout the world.
With these innovative tools it is possible to have a clear picture of reality, understand it’s underlying mechanisms and find ways and strategies to constantly improve the company’s performance.
EGERIA the Instruments for your Success
EGERIA: the instruments for your success
“Mundum numeri regunt” – Numbers rule the world – Plato – V Sec. AC
Companies in the Fitness & Wellness sector are expected to operate in an increasingly competitive reality and are continuously engaged in new and difficult market challenges. To achieve their goals and consolidate their success they need to use new, effective and concrete tools, which are indispensable for understanding the current state and for making the right decisions to plan for the future.
EGERIA has created innovative Business Analytics and Business Intelligence tools that help companies operating in the Fitness & Wellness sector to achieve their goals and to navigate their success through the study of numbers: we measure the present to plan the future!
EGERIA: we help you understand where you are to figure out where you need to go
We give real value to your numbers!
Tell us your story: we will listen with great attention and we will analyze your data providing indicators that you will need to understand where to go. We know very well the needs of companies operating in the Fitness & Wellness sector, a sector in great development and transformation, in an overly structured and competitive environment.
With over 50 years of collective experience in the sector, we are able to effectively analyze data and respond to the questions that Club owners and managers all over the world are contemplating in order to grow their business and expand their market presence.
EGERIA avails itself of professionals of the highest level and is in constant collaboration with the academic world, universities and research institution.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please fill out the following form
Head Office
© 2019 Egeria srl - All Rights Reserved
Via Varesina, 215
20156 Milano (Italy)
P.IVA 10107940966